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ECAN 101 Day 3 0254

What you can do

To address our region’s changing climate, we need to change the way we live. Everyone can help make a difference.

Let’s take action for our climate

Climate actions for Canterbury

We know that we need to make some changes to the way we live, travel, eat and consume if we want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Canterbury/Waitaha. These changes don't have to be big - think about opting for public or active transport one day a week, hanging your laundry on the line instead of using the dryer, having one meat-free meal a week, or choosing pre-loved clothing over new.

Every action adds up to reduce the impacts of climate change, and these small changes are not only better for our planet, but also our communities, our wallets and our health.

If we all do a little, we can change a lot.

Here are some things you can consider doing

We have a small window of time to prevent the worst-case climate change projections coming to pass.

At the same time, we need to prepare for the effects of climate change that are already locked in.

In 2022, the New Zealand government issued two major climate plans: the emissions reduction plan, which sets the direction for climate action for the next 15 years, and the national adaptation plan, which looks at the impacts of climate change now and into the future and sets out how Aotearoa New Zealand can adapt.

Regional adaptation planning is also underway and local plans will follow, but there are plenty of ways Waitaha/Canterbury individuals, whānau, households, businesses and organisations can shape our own low-carbon future right now.

You might even find there are benefits that stretch beyond this into other economic, health and environmental impacts.

We used to live low carbon, we can do it again.