Environment Canterbury
Your regional council, Environment Canterbury, has responsibilities for managing use of natural resources – the region’s air, soils and water, as well as how land use affects our environment. This includes our coastal, agricultural, urban, industrial and recreational environments. It also manages biodiversity, public transport and what we do about natural hazards, including civil defence emergencies.
Environment Canterbury's role is also to support the region and our communities to better understand and proactively respond to climate change risks and opportunities.

A climate change integration programme was included in Environment Canterbury's 2018-28 Long-Term Plan, ensuring climate change is actively considered across workstreams, increasing visibility of the science and impact of climate change on Waitaha/Canterbury. This includes working with iwi and regional partners, other local authorities, and central government.
Adaptation work is taking place across these key areas:
- Biodiversity
- Biosecurity
- Natural hazards
- Transport
- Water
- Leadership and Mana Whenua